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A very bad yeast infection needs two treatments, a medicated suppository to cure the overgrowth of candidas in the vagina and lactobacillus -- acidophilus to get the right balance in your gut so it doesn't recur. You may also want to use a topical ointment available in Monistat to control the itch.

You can get this by eating yogurt with live cultures or by taking live lactobacillus -- acidophilus 2 tablets twice a day, one hour before meals. This is available OTC your pharmacist will have it in his refrigerator.

Wash all clothing, sheets and towels in hot water with a second rinse to remove all the soap residue. Wear 100% cotton panties and preferably 100% cotton pants. Polyester or nylon does not breathe and will trap in moisture. Keep your labia and folds as free from the discharge as possible by rinsing every time you use the toilet, pat dry.

Once the infection has cleared, taking two enteric-coated garlic capsules daily with 4,000 milligrams of allicin-alliin (which is the anti-fungal/ anti-yeast agent found in garlic.) to prevent reinfection, only use the lactobacillus -- acidophilus to cure a current infection or prevent reinfection, take it any time you are given an antibiotic.

Chronic re-infection needs to be discussed with your doctor to determine if you have an underlying cause, like Diabetes.

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Q: What to do if you have a very bad yeast infection?
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