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You must make the person aware of the law. Any one who enters a licensed establishment, must produce, or be able to produce, on demand, proof of age. If a person cannot produce it, regardless of their age, by law, you may not allow them entry. Even if you know them to be of age.

If you must refuse them entry for other reasons, you must tell them what those reasons are. Either they will understand and leave or remedy the problem, or they will become angry or belligerent and you will need to take appropriate steps such as getting help from other staff or contacting police. Try not to allow yourself to be dragged into arguments, debates, fights, etc. this will only make matters more difficult. You are the one with the authority, use it properly, safely and as nicely as possible.

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Q: What to do if you have to refuse entry to a licenced establishment to an individual?
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The opposite of admit (concede) is to deny. The opposite of admit (allow entry) is to refuse.

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They can only follow it, they possess no power to enforce.A Different PerspectiveA school can refuse to release a child to the non-custodial parent. It can refuse to discuss the child with that parent and can refuse entry onto school grounds.

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