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Choose one and be friends with the other

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Q: What to do if you like two guys and they treat you friendly?
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What do you do when you like two guys?

if you like two guys then hang out with them both and become friends. whichever one is more friendly and nice then hes probably your guy.

How do you pick between two guys?

Answer Ask youself which of the two guys wants you for you and not for what's under your clothing. Ask yourself which of the two guys is likely to treat you like a real person and want to keep you in his life for sometime to come and make your decision based upon what's best for you.

How can you pick between two guys?

which ever one has the best personality and seems to treat you the best.

How to chose between 2 guys?

That would depend on which of the two guys you like better.

Can two guys like each other without it being gay?

No unless the two guys are gay and they like each other and take it a little bit further

What to do if two guys like you at the same time and you only like one?

That is a common situation, I have been one of the two guys who like one girl. I would recommend that you be honest with both of them, but don't be to harsh, as it is a sensitive matter for the guys. Though, good luck.

Will two guys always fight just because they like the same girls?

It truly depends how much these two guys like the girl if they LOVE you then most likely but if they only like you then most likely not.

Why would two guys at my high school that don't even know me say hi and wave to me while I was walking by?

They are being friendly. Don't overthink it.

Really athletic build and you are a gymnast you like these two guys and you are not sure if they like you and they are like best friends Is your body holding you back from having a boyfriend?

Well not really, but it's ok to like the two guys even if there bestfriends , but just pick the right guy! Well not really, but it's ok to like the two guys even if there bestfriends , but just pick the right guy!

Can a guys tell if they like you or not if the two of you are friends?

most of the time yes

What should you do if two guys like you?

Invite them both over for a threesome.

If you like two guys how do you chose which one you want to be with?

Follow your heart.