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Q: What to do if your boyfriend is a ladies man and they are all over him and you don't want to start any fights or have anyone hate you?
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How can you tell if your boyfriend has another woman?

He will start not wanting to have sex with you anymore. He will make excuses for why he's not around anymore. He will start fights with you to leave the house.

Why do fights start?

fights start because one person will be a #@$*& and get the other all mad and they start fighting

How do you get a boyfriend even if you don't like anyone?

If you don't like anyone whats the point of having a boyfriend. Maybe you should wait a bit for the right boy to come along that you really like and he really likes you. Sometimes people can start wanting a boyfriend badly when they are at a certain age, even if they don't really like anyone in particular. So give it some time. I know you probaly want to exsperiment and see what its like having a boyfriend, but trust me you will be able to do that one day. When we see other people around us that have boyfriends you start to want a boyfriend even more. I know how you feel, but like I said wait, and then you will find the right boy and then you can start exsperimenting!

Can you train a boyfriend?

You can't train anyone. But you can teach him some small things. No matter how much you try to train them you will never be able to change who they are. So accept who he is or start looking for a boyfriend who is perfect for you!

How many fights can start in a week on the bus?

Who knows? Fights on the bus(even killing) can start like 500,000 times a day.So multiply that.

When did boyfriend start?

Start what?

How do you get a guy to notice you when you have a boyfriend who treats u like crap?

Dump your boyfriend first, if he treats you like crap then he's really not worth it. Then you can start flirting with this new guy or anyone you like. Try not to go back to the original boyfriend as tempting as it seems.

Your boyfriend won't kiss you unless you start to kiss him first?

the go ahead and give him a smooch! but only if you really want to... its really cool to kiss your boyfriend when you never kissed anyone before love sommer ard

How can you found out if your boyfriend have a will?

i would start by asking your boyfriend.

What words signal the start of the Indianapolis 500?

(Ladies and) Gentlemen, start your engines!

What do you do if you and your boyfriend argued over him getting into a fight but im not sure if its true?

Maybe you shouldn't start fights about something you arent sure is true or not. yes! that si so true if someone wants to start something with you , you should ask them what happend and talk to them before anything does happen.

Why do you need a boyfriend?

You don't. You are strong and independent.