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Q: What to do if your emo and your mom doesnt accept that?
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How do you convince your mom to let you be emo?

being emo is being yourself ;l

Is Pierre bouvier an emo?

Emo? by what deffinition do you mean? Pierre is in no way an emo. yes around 2007 he did have a side swept fringe but that doesnt make a person emo

If you don't dress emo - but you feel emo - are you emo?

First of all it is impossible to dress emo,you can dress goth or scene but emo is not a style.If you are asking if you are emo you are most likely a poser(a wanna be or someone who doesnt understand and thinks they do)

Mom cow doesnt feed newborn calf?

Then you gotta bottle feed the calf yourself until you can get the cow to accept her calf.

You want to be emo without cutting yourselfcan you do that?

Emo doesnt always mean cutting im an emo boy and I say that is definetly not true. ~James(emo boy) yeah emo is just telling da world u want to be different XxXxXxXxX conversechickXxXxXxXxX

My mom doesnt know I'm emo and she's starting to get a clue what should i do?

if your actually emo, and cut yourself, discuss it with your mom and go see psychologist. if you're just goth than its fine if u dont cut urself then just show her some good emo websites, tell her how its all about self expression, individuality, etc. and hope shes ok with it or if she isnt, well, then i have no clue wat 2 do. Parents generally don't approve of anything along the lines of 'emo' even though they encourage you to be yourself, they don't want to see there son or daughter slowly, but efficiantly, turn emo. But the first answer is so wrong, in so many ways. Not all Emo's cut themselves, most who call themselves emo, and tell people they cut themselves, are poseurs. And even if you are emo, there's nothing wrong with that. Just tell your mom the truth, and you know that old saying, "The truth can hurt." ? Well, it's not a lie. Keep that in mind.

How can you get your emo friend to like you when you are not an emo?

same way u would with anyone else. just be yourself but be very understanding and sympathetic show them u care it doesnt matter if they r emo or not, they should be friends with u for u not because ur emo or not

Is emo connected to homosexuality?

No it isnt. Some emos are emo because they just want to be different. Some emos are emo because they feel a certain way. Some emos are gay but that doesnt mean they are all gay.

Im emo and twelve how will your mom like that?

if u dont wear the make up(unless yer aloud 2) everything else is fine(unless she actually knows what emo is ) , because your mom should except you how you are

Do emo guys like it when girls kiss?

Being emo doesnt change what you like in if your a heterosexual guy who likes seeing lesbians kiss...ya they do.

How is emo problem resolved?

emo is not a problem people who make fun of emos make people more emo stop treating us like a problem, like a disease just because we are depressed doesnt mean we are not people

What exactly makes a person an emo?

Emo is a made up word that some person made up, it's just another way of saying... ... " Hey everyone i have problems!" Emo does not mean you cut yourself, Emo does not mean you are suicidal. Emo is just another word for emotional..... it doesnt mean you always cut yourself or your suicidal, it doesnt mean you have to hide your face with your hair or your an outcast or you hear voices or you need to be in a mental institution, that's just what socioty thinks. what DOES make a person an emo. people are so steroetypical these days.