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Q: What to do in a outbreak of infection in your care setting?
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Can you get MRSA if there isn't an outbreak?

Yes. MRSA is present everywhere. I continually care for patients who are in isolation precautions due to infection with MRSA - therefore an outbreak has not occurred however individual patients are fighting the infection.

Infection acquired in a health care setting not present at the time of admission?


What is the potential impact of an outbreak of infection on the individual and the company?

Explain the potential impact of a outbreak of infection on the individual and the organisation

How infection affect people in the care setting?

Nurse become scared that they will get infected themselves

How do you manage an outbreak of infection?

You must specify what form of infection you are speaking of to get better answer. But in general, a course of antibiotics either oral or topical will treat the infection.

How did the Ebola outbreak happen?

The Ebola virus was started by contaminated water.

What does care setting mean?

Care setting means the environment in which a patient is cared for on a daily basis. A care setting could be a hospital, a nursing home or a respite center.

What is an infection present in a health care facility and transmitted by health care workers to the patient?

It is called nosocomial infection.

Why does lymph notes swell?

Its due to infection setting in.

What is a care setting?

A care setting is somewhere that people get care from or is left to be cared for. some examples: A hospital , a doctors, a nursery, care centers, hospice, residential home

Can nosocomial infections be deadly?

Yes, and a few things directly contribute to that: the infectious pathogens circulating in health care facilities are often types that are resistant to the antibiotics or other types of treatment that would be usually indicated; patients who catch an infection in a health care setting (which is what makes an infection nosocomial) usually already have a disease process or complication ongoing which reduces their ability to fight infection; and the underlying disease process or other infection a patient has can mask the symptoms of a new infection, causing a delay in recognition and treatment of the new nosocomial infection.

When might it be necessary to use additional infection control precautions when standard precautions alone may not be sufficient to prevent transmission of infection?

Additional infection control precautions is necessary when standard precautions are not sufficient.They are used in addition to standard precautions and are usually tailored to prevent the transmission of specific infections in the health care setting.