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This is a deep question, so be prepared for a comprehensive answer.

The only true way to fix being scared of dying or loved ones dying is to know exactly what death is and what happens after people die, after all 100% of people die in this world and eventually all will pass through that threshold, and after maybe 70 or so years it becomes a very immanent matter of consideration.

This whole idea of living up life as a way of trying to forget the inevitability of death is a gamble in futility, the fragility of life leading to its meaning is too futility, your wants and dreams and accomplishments and failures in relation to death is also futility, all becomes futility when juxtaposed with death. Even those who say within themselves that they don't care what happens after they die, and they are not afraid of death, they are lying, everybody is afraid of death and it is perfectly natural, although not necessary.

Life and death are opposites, as are light and dark, sound and silence, etc; so to understand light and completely what it IS will tell you what darkness is, because it is everything opposite of what the light is, so to understand death and dying ,you need to understand life and living. This is the age old meaning of life question...

However, here is the secret that many people do not know!

1. There is a meaning of life and an origin that is intelligible and meaningful, and we can know precisely what it is and live in the light of that knowledge.

2. There are more realities than the physical natural reality and death is not the end of existence, just the end of the natural and physical part of it.

3. The human body was not built to be able to cope with death or fear, both are not original intentions of the human experience which is why fear and other negative emotions cause the human body to release poisons and toxins into the body, because the emotional negative energy hoarded in the soul when processed through the mind, causes the brain to go into a type of self destruct mode, hence the bio toxin damage. Something that goes DIRECTLY against original design ALWAYS causes harm to the designed subject, it is like using a pair of scissors as a hammer, it goes directly against it's design and intention, and will cause damage.

4. All fear (and phobia) at its root comes from a fear of death.

5. The fear of death is because death and fear is built into humanity by default.

6. Death in and of itself is unnatural, which is why it is feared.

7. Fear in and of itself is unnatural which is why fear causes harm to people emotionally, and physiologically and hence speeds up the death.

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If they're already dying:

Pray for them and have faith that their soul would pass on peacefully into the afterlife (depending on your religion).
Be by their side, keep them comfortable, and keep them company.

My grandpa died a month ago, and that's all we could do.
Best wishes.

Pray, then see what you can do to help the person be comfortable. I t does happen every day , sadly thanks to Adam and Eve. and remember death is natural thing in life...stay strong to pray for your loved one.

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