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if you have that problem there should be immediate action took, right away!! he or she should be put on immidiate punishment by takin there most prized posetion like a cell phone laptop etc.. if it doesnt stop kick them out or tell them you would call the police..

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Q: What to do when you have a verbally and physically abusive 18yr old in your home?
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Can a 16 yr old girl in Louisiana move out of her parents home if they are abusive physically and verbally and move into a stable home of a friend without the parents permision?

Yes. As long as they're being abusive.

Wife is cheating but won't leave?

It is very common for either spouse to cheat or be verbally or physically abusive and not leave the residence. The only way one can have a spouse leave the home is by seeking legal counsel and filing for divorce.

Is it normal for military men to be verbally abusive?

Although he shouldn't be abusive it is what he hears everyday. It is probably second nature to him now. You have to remind him when he is at home that it is not appropiate or necessary for him to act this way.

Can a 18yr old pregnant girl still in high school move out of her parents abusive home?

Yes. You're 18, which means you've reached the legal age of majority and can move wherever you want.

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Kick them out and if they don't leave call the cops.

Can a man from non-abusive upbringing become an abuser if with a partner who grew up in an abusive home with no therapy at all?

It is highly unlikely that man who does not have an abusive personality will become an abuser if their partner grew up in an abusive home and refuses help. Good men know they should never hit a woman which in some cases can lead to male abuse by a woman. The stress of being around an abusive person be it verbally or physical abuse is bound to have effects on the non abusive partner, but most men will only take so much and have the opportunity of leaving the relationship.

Why do some husbands verbally abuse their wives and what does it mean when they stop caring for the home?

When a spouse is verbally abusive, that is oftentimes a precursor to domestic violence which can escalate to physical abuse. When a spouse quits paying the bills for the house, or controlling all of a marriages financial assets, this is called financial abuse.

I am looking to find out of home placement for my 14 year old son who has Autism and is very verbally, physically aggressive and abusive and refuses to attend school. Does anyone know of any help or services in this immediate area geared towards this iss?

You can try homeschooling your child, however you must have certification through your state and follow all state laws for homeschool.

I have been told by a teenager that she is being physically and verbally abused at home and she comes here and doesn't want to go home?

Report it to the police or child welfare. You have a legal obligation to do so, as well as an obligation to the child.

Can a 16-year old in Indiana live in a foster home if her father is verbally abusive and threatening?

That is up to the judge to decide based on Child Protective Service's report. You have to call them and tell them what is going on in order to get help.

Would it be illegal for an 18yr old living in Nebraska to leave home without moms consent?

No it is not you are an adult

What if the wife is the one who physically abuses the husband?

If a wife physically or verbally abuses her husband she will get the same treatment as a man who physically or verbally abuses his wife. If she leaves any physical marks on the husband he can call the police and press charges and often the wife is taken away in handcuffs for a cooling off period (overnight) until the husband decides to press charges or not. However, for both husbands and wives it is difficult to prove verbal abuse unless others in the home phone the police or neighbors phone the police.