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Q: What to eat if your body is low alkaline?
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What is an Alkaline Body?

An alkaline body refers to the pH level of the body's fluids and tissues when a person is on an alkaline diet. The benefits of an alkaline body are said to be many, the Late Dr. Robert Atkins recommended an alkaline diet for good health. You can make your body alkaline by eating a mostly raw diet of fruits and vegetables, and you can drink alkaline water too. Keep in mind you can only alter your body's pH slightly. The body has internal mechanisms to regulate its own pH. An alkaline body will have a slightly more alkaline pH than a non-alkalized diet for this reason.

Does alkaline have a high pH or a low pH?

Alkaline is considered to have a ph of 7.0 .. becoming more alkaline is 7 or <.

Would a low carb diet make the acid in your body raise?

no. low carbs have nothing to do with acid levels. You can definitely have a low carb high alkalinity diet but remember that you should keep a balance in your body between alkaline and acidic foods.

Is meat alkaline or acidic?

meat is alkaline BUT is processed in the body acidic.

What are the benefits of eating alkaline based foods?

I think it is to balance acidity in our body, because mostly we eat acid based food.

What does alkaline phosphatase 207 do to body?

What causes the alkaline phosphatase to get to 158.

Is the pH of a strong alkaline high or low?


Does the body naturally produce alkaline?


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What is the characteristics of alkaline?

* alkaline metals contain the higher melting and also the boiling points. * These metals are present in the earths crust which does not have a basic form. * Alkaline earth metals are distributed in structure which is named as rock. * These metals have density which is low. * Alkaline earth metals have low electron affinity and as wells as low electronegativity. * One of the basic characteristic is, it contains two electrons in their outer shell.

What is acid or alkaline mean?

Acidic means that a substance has a low PH value, and alkaline means that it is basic, or has a high PH.