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Ice works the best, it numbs it.

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Q: What to put on a pimple that really hurts?
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What is an underground pimple?

a pimple under the skin.....hurts like crazy......can't pop it cause it has no head

Bump on forehead not a pimple its as big as a misquito bite but doesnt itch and hurts what could it be?

It could be a underskin pimple or a calcium spot or a skin color mole...

How do you get rid of a cystic pimple under your arm?

put pimple lotion on it and lotion.

What do you put on a cystic pimple to make the red go away and the bump heal faster?

you can ice it, put a slice of potato on it for like ten mintues and try some home remedies.

How do you get rid of a pimple on your knee?

pop it. you might put a hot rag on it to soften it. maybe it is an ingrown hair

What do you do when your leg really hurts and theres no bruise where it hurts and you cant put pressure on it?

Take some pain medicine and if that doesn't work contact a doctor.

Hard bump on your chin but it is not a zit what is it?

it is a bruise or a pimple forming it hurts alot even to the touch and it can take up to a week to form a pimple but it is a big one good luck! do not pop it though

Can you get a pimple on your tongue?

yes, but it might not be on your toe it could actually be under the whole piece of skin next to your toe nail. Usually on the big toe. You can tell when that part of your toe looks shiny and hurts at the touch. Best way to deal with it is to pop it. It will hurt really bad.

What is a lump at the base of your head that hurts worse when pressure is applied to it?

A lump at the base of your head that hurts when pressure is applied to it could be an acne pimple. If it does not go away or you are concerned about it, consult a physician.

Should you pop a pimple or leave it?

You shouldn't pop it. It can lead to scarring, and it inflames the skin. But if you really have to get to one, take a rag and put warm water on it and press it down lightly, and sometimes that helps without doing anything bad to it. Just make sure you wash your face, and you can use medication to specifically put just on pimples. :) This is really true but another tip to getting rid of them is always take a bath and wash yourself everywhere and use hot/warm water. Also use this medication called On The spot ance treatment by Neutrogena (it is a small tube). All you have to do is put just a tiny bit on the pimple daily ( two-three times a day) and just in a week (or a little more ) it will be gone and trust me from experience. but if you put alot on the pimple you will have marks on your face because it burns your skin and makes it dry. If you don't use these tips just pop your pimple and have a mark or pop your pimple the way that Dr.Oz told me to. First, you clean a needle and put alcohol rub on your pimple. Put the needle through the pimple and lift the needle up( while still the needle is still in the pimple) this cause the pimple to pop and the white puss to come out nicely. Lastly, clean the the popped pimple with a warm and clean wash cloth.

White pus filled pimple near piercing?

if it is really close then pop it and wash with hydrogen peroxide then put a dab of neosporn and a band aid on it

Is it pimple really occur when you're in love?
