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old newspapers work great. After my wedding I saved gift wrap and my birdcage is lined with wedding gift wrap. use at least two or three layers of paper

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16y ago
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11y ago

for my birds i just use a blanket :)

Hope this helped :)

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12y ago

you would put news paper on the bottom they love the colours especially coloured paper

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Q: What material can you use to cover a bird cage?
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This bird has strange nesting habits. It will use nothing for nesting material. It will lay its eggs and sit on them just on the floor of its cage or nesting box or floor of the aviary.

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Just use a large bird cage, or a rabbit cage. My rat has a rabbit cage, and she's as happy as can be. My old rat had a bird cage, and he was perfectly fine.

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There are a few options for bathing your bird. You can buy a cage-mounted bath which is sort of like a mini pool, or you can buy a shower perch that can be attached to the cage.

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Yes, but you should use a thin sheet.

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When looking to cover an outside patio table it is suggested to use a outside based material. The most used material is a thicker plastic material.

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It is not recommended to use a cage for an animal other than it was intended for as it can endanger your pet. has some nice bird cages at discount prices.

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seems the bird is sick, is he in a draft? does he have food and water? Be sure to keep extra warm and use a heat lamp if you have one. also give a drop or two of orange juice, this will raise his metabulism. hope this works be sure to cover cage.

Can you use a 10 gallon tank for a guinea pig?

No, you have to use a cage with bars and a cage door. Make sure only to use a cage meant for rodents, or a roomy plasic tub, but if you use a plastic tub, DO NOT cover up the opening, because the guinea pig could sufficate.

Do conures like swings?

This is all a preference of your bird. You may want to try introducing a swing in their cage. At the same time, give them a treat with it, so they know that swing = good. If your bird is still reluctant to accept the swing in it's cage/doesn't use it, take it out. The bird is obviously not interested.

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Is that What product or material can be used to cover metal walls? or What product do I use to cover metal walls?

What should or can you use for a baby wild duckling for bedding in a bird cage?

I would have thought you shouldn't keep a duckling in a bird cage anyway. Ducklings cannot fly so a cardboard box, plastic box of some kind which should be of a good size should suffice. Use leaves, grass, straw... the same as a mother duck would use.