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Q: What to use to get expo marker off a tile floor?
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How do you remove glue from tiles?

If you mean from the back off tile that has come off a wall or floor - soak the tile for 3-4 hours in hot water, then most glues will wipe off. If you mean glue that has got on front of laid tile, use a sharp craft knife to get under the edge and flick it off.

How do you get dried fabric paint off tile floor?

Try a good quality glass cleaner with ammonia. Just spray it on let set a minute or two. Than gently wipe off with a paper towel. If stubborn you can lightly scrub with a green scrungy. Hope this helps.

What is best paint to cover glazed ceramic kitchen floor tiles?

There is no paint that won't wear off soon in this application. The best you could get would be an epoxy paint,and even that won't last long. -That's why they do floors with tile !

Can you install ceramic tile on particle board?

I don't think I would, if it is a shiny glazed tile in place now, There wont be a bond between the old and new tiles. If the current tile is a rough slate tile, maybe. Check the recommedations of the manufacturer of the tile you want to install. Another option is to install 1/4 inch concrete backerboard over the existing tile, but it should be screwed down and that's a real chore in your situation. Maybe the manufacturer knows of a type of mortar that will work on those smooth existing tiles (assuming they are smooth). another answer: my answer is no because it can be easily broke. this property is enought to answer absolutly no. Another Answer: Don't do it. First, it will make your floor really high, this will be a problem especially if it butts up against another type of flooring such as carpet. Second, the bond of the mortar won't be as strong, you will end up needing to make repairs to the new floor much sooner than you would if you installed had it correctly the first time. In response to installing cement board over the old tile... you can do this, it will get you a stable surface and a good bond for the mortar, but your floor will be really, really high. If there is a transition to another flooring type you will be stubbing your toes for years to come. I would recommend doing the job right the first time around. Rip up the old tile, then install the new flooring. It will save you many headaches down the road.

Why did dial remove permanent marker from clothes?

Dial remove permanent marker because it could remove things that would come off a little bit