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Q: What took place in Athens under the leadership of pericles?
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Athens enjoyed a golden age under the leadership of?


Pericles declared war?

Under the leadership of Sparta they declared war on Athens

Who developed a direct domacracyin ancient history?

Athens, under the leadership of Pericles.

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What democracy was practiced in Athens Greece several thousands years ago called?

Under the leadership Pericles, Athens developed a direct democracy. Large numbers of male citizens took part in the affairs of government.

Who replaced Pericles after his death in 429 BC?

After the death of Pericles, he was replaced by Cleon. Under his direction Athens renewed the conflict with Sparta.

What government in Athens made people the most happy?

The golden age of Greece was under Pericles who was an enlightened dictator.

The Delian league united greek city-states under the leadership of?


Who was a famous Greek general who governed Athens and helped create its golden age?

The Golden Age was of Athens. Under the leadership of Pericles, it turned the Delian league which it had led against the Persian Empire into an empire of its own, milking it of money to support its own building programme, sponsoring the arts and learning, and putting half its own citizens on the public payroll. The pillaged cities didn't find it so golden, so it wasn't Greece, it was Athens which got the gold and easy life.

What type of democrcy did Athens have?

It started in 508 BCE as a limited democracy for landowners, revrted to oligarchy during the Persian War, was reestablished as a full democracy by Ephialtes in 460 BCE, and after his assassination, became a radical democracy under the leadership of Pericles. After Athens' defeat in the Peloponnesian War in 404 BCE it reverted to a limited democracy.

Did Pericles fight in the Persian Wars?

As he was 15 at the time, he was below the military age of 18.

How did did the development of democracy in Athens affect the lives of ordinary citizens?

In the radical period introduced by Pericles all citizens voted in the Assembly each fortnight and the Council implemented their decisions. They also manned the juries of 500 which determined on legal matters. And the funds extorted from Athens' empire put half the citizens on the public payroll.