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Q: What tools and technologies are used to explore the space?
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What tools are used to explore space?

Tools such as satellites, space shuttles, and telescopes are used to explore space. Satellites take photos of certain objects in space depending on the mission. Obviously, space shuttles contain humans that are sent on a mission to explore certain object in space. Telescopes are used from Earth.

What types of data and information do these technological tools collect?

Tools such as satellites, space shuttles, and telescopes are used to explore space. Satellites take photos of certain objects in space depending on the mission. Obviously, space shuttles contain humans that are sent on a mission to explore certain object in space. Telescopes are used from Earth.

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I want the real anser

What vehicles are used to explore space?

the real question is what vehicles are not used to explore space? from jack strom

What technologies are used in space?

Some technologies are solar panels, whcih collects power from the sun and uses it to power sattelites, space vehicles, etc. Others are space probes which probe space and explore it for humans, without risking any human lives. Another type of space technology are space shuttles, or airborn vehicles that travel through space, containing, usually, humans.

What is one of the important technologies used by the paleolithic people?

Bronze tools

What were the technologies used on Ferdinand Magellan's Voyage?

he used tools of navigation Type your answer here...

What technology is used to explore space?

Space shuttles, telescopes and more

What technologies are used to get information about space?

maybe by a robot or a rover

What are some tools and devices used for space travel?

some space tools are hammers and scoops

One of the most important technologies used by paleolithic people was?

One of the most important technologies used by Paleolithic people was the stone tool. These tools were essential for tasks such as hunting, skinning animals, and processing plant material for food. They were crafted by chipping, flaking, and grinding stones to create sharp edges for cutting and scraping.

How does General Motors integrate technology into its operations?

They bend, weld, and mold metal, the processes and tools used for these activities are technologies. As technologies for these activities improve the new technologies replace older ones.