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They used granite rocks.

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Q: What tools did ancient Egyptian craftsmen use?
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What tools did the ancient Egyptian crafts people use?

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What do craftsmen use for tools?

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What tools did ancient egypt use?

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How do you use Egyptian numbers today?

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What tools did ancient Egyptian doctors use?

The tools that they used included pincers, forceps, spoons, saws, hooks, knives and containers with burning incense. Egyptian doctors were considered the best in the world at their time, and far away rulers sent for them to fix injuries, sickness, etc.

What did the Ancient Egyptian kids write with?

Ancient Egyptians use reed pens, sticks, or any sharp objects to carve into walls or to write on papyrus. Papyrus is just an early form of paper. The ancient Egyptian children would probably have used reed pens, sticks, tools, or and kind of sharp object to write with.

What kind of tools do Egyptian nobleman use?

they use a wide variety and axes

What did ancient Egyptians use papyrus for?

For smell,used for ancient Egyptian perfum.

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what tools did they use inside the tombs

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