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Explorers in the late 1400s-1600s used tools such as astrolabes, compasses, maps, sextants, and chronometers to navigate the seas. They also relied on basic tools like ropes, anchors, lanterns, and measuring instruments to aid in their expeditions. Additionally, they often carried weapons for protection and trade goods for interactions with new cultures.

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Q: What tools did explorers used in the late 1400s-1600s?
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What are some of the new tools that European explorers used during their explorations?

Some of the new tools that European explorers used during their explorations included compasses for navigation, astrolabes for determining latitude, maps for charting their course, and improved ship designs like caravels for better handling and speed. They also utilized new weaponry like firearms for protection and establishing dominance in encounters with indigenous peoples.

What technology was used by the early explorers?

Early explorers used a variety of technologies such as navigational instruments like compasses, astrolabes, and sextants to determine their position at sea. They also relied on maps, charts, and logbooks to record their findings and track their journeys. Additionally, tools like telescopes and chronometers were used to observe and measure celestial bodies for navigation purposes.

What supplies were used on early explorations?

Early explorers used supplies such as navigational tools (compasses, astrolabes), maps, provisions (food, water), weapons for defense, clothing, and trade goods. They also often brought tools for building shelters, such as axes and saws, as well as items for communication (whistles, flags).

What technology did Amerigo Vespucci use?

Amerigo Vespucci used navigational technology such as the astrolabe and the compass, along with maps and charts, to aid his voyages in the late 15th and early 16th centuries. These tools helped him navigate across the Atlantic Ocean and explore the coast of South America.

What tools did nobles use?

Nobles used a variety of tools for hunting, such as crossbows, falconry equipment, and hunting dogs. They also used grooming tools like combs and brushes, as well as writing tools like quills and ink. In their households, they used tools for cooking, gardening, and maintaining their estates.

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What are tools that Marco Polo and other explorers used?

a compass, journal, and a ship.

What tools did early explorers use?

Early explorers did not have the same tools we have today. They would have used the sun as a navigational tool along with a compass. They would have had crude maps, boats, sailing winds and even the experience of trackers.

Equipment used by explorers in the 1600s?

Weapons(knives,guns),work tools(axes,machetes)telescope,compass and of course COMMON SENSE!

What tools did Coronado use on his trip?

Similarly to the other explorers of his day, Francisco Vasquez de Coronado used tools such as an astrolabe, a sextant, and a compass for his voyage to America. He can be credited with discovering the Grand Canyon.

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Dumb heads pegs/nails, leather, shoesizer and othere thingy ma jiggys

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early explorers used the ground or a hole in the ground.

Why did the explorers used compass?

To see what was there.

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What tools did a medieval priest use?

A medieval priest would use tools such as a thurible (incense burner), holy water sprinkler, chalice and paten for the Eucharist, a processional cross for religious processions, and a crosier (bishop's staff) as symbols of authority.

What tools did homo erectus used?

Homo erectus used simple stone tools like handaxes and cleavers, which they crafted by striking rocks together to shape them. These tools were designed for tasks like butchering animals, cutting wood, and digging for roots. They were an important innovation in early human history.

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The tools that were used in the middle colonies were simple tools. These tools included knives and axes for example.

What are the cooking tools used in Romania?

These cooking tools are similar to the tools used in other countries from Europe.