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Q: What touches the surface of a hard disk platter that makes a head crash occurs?
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Occurs when a read-write head touches the surface of platter?

i don't know what is the answer! sorry

When a readwrite head touches a platter is it considered to be a platter crash?

i don't know what is the answer! sorry

When a read write head touches a platter what is it called?

head crash

What is head crash?

A head crash is a type of hard disk failure that occurs when a read/write head touches the fast spinning disk platters. It is very catastrophic - it can destroy lots of data - even the data needed to start an operating system can be destroyed.

When a readwrite head touched a platter?

head crash

Why is flash storage a more reliable form of storage as opposed to mechanical storage?

For one thing there is no physical head to crash into the physical platter and damage it.

What is the relation of the pacific oceans and the continents it touches?

The waves of the pacific oceans (all of them) crash upon the shores of the continents it touches; among other little weather.

Why is the hard drive of a computer sealed in an airtight case?

Hard drives use what is called as the disk platter and a head for storing and reading information respectively. The platter are circular disks which hold data and the head read the data off these platters. The head is floating very close to the platters reading and writing data (using magnetism). sometimes,.the head may touch the platter, taking off the aluminum surface coat which actually stored the data, causing data corruption. Also the head needs to freely float without any jerks or air circulation movements. Thus, the hard drive is sealed internally in a air tight compartment. It also protects the platters from dusk, moisture and smoke. It must be noted that not all hard disks work like this.

How do rocks or comets are cause to crash into moons surface?

rocks and comets are attracted by moons gravity, so they crash

In what sea on the Moon's surface did the Luna crash land in?

sea of rain

What features of the moon are caused by rocks or comets that crash into its surface?

Craters :)

Why handle exception?

Because you can and you should, unless you want your program to crash if an exception occurs.