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Fasciculus gracilis

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Q: What tract carries sensory impulses from the lower limbs and inferior body trunk?
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What nerve carries impulses through the spinal cord?

The spinal cord and the abdomen, limbs, and chest. Spinal nerves carry impulses between the spinal cord and the abdomen, limbs, and chest. Cranial nerves carry impulses between the brain and the neck and head.

Are the limbs innervated by the motor and sensory neurons?

Yes, the limbs are innervated by both motor and sensory neurons.

Which branch of peripheral nerve innervates the limbs?


Blood from the lower limbs is returned to the heart via the?

inferior vena cava.

Why do people with CMT have some loss of sensory ability?

CMT also affects the sensory nerves that carry information from the limbs to the brain. Therefore people with CMT also have sensory loss

Plexuses serve which partof the body?

motor and sensory needs of the muscles and skin of the body's limbs

What part of the body does the plexus serve?

motor and sensory needs of the muscles and skin of the limbs body

The descending aorta carries oxygenated blood to the?

Most of the trunk and the lower limbs

Where are sensory stretch receptors of the withdrawal reflex located?

they are located in the limbs, because the limbs are the effectors of the withdrawal reflex.

What does aorta and vena cava do?

The Vena Cava carrys de oxygenated blood that is returning from the body and into the right atruim of the heart and the Aorta is the largest artery of the body which transports oxygenated blood to the rest of the body.Hope this helps.Shirley

The spinal cord is 1flattened somewhat laterally 2characterized by thoracis and sacral enlargements 3longer than the vertebral column 4contiguous with the medulla oblongata or 5tapered into a conus me?

The spinal cord is basically your spine. It carries messages between your brain and the rest of the body. Your spinal cord is a slender nerve column that goes from your brain to your vertebral column. It starts with the foramen magnum and has 31 segments (vertebrae). There are 8 cervical vertebrae, which control nerve impulses in your upper limbs. There are 12 thoracic and 5 lumbar vertebrae, which control the nerve impulses in your upper limbs. There are also 5 sacral and finally 1 coccygeal vertebraes.

What will happen to a person whose motor nerves are impaired?

as the motor nerves carry impulses from the brain to the limbs and muscles numbness or feeling will be reduced or lost and muscle tone will diminish.