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they get raped......

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Q: What trade-offs does Locke say occurs when people live under governments?
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What trade offs does Locke says occurs when people live under governments?

they get raped......

Which enlightenment thinker believed that governments should serve the people?

john Locke

People have natural rights that governments should protect?

john Locke

Which philosopher believed that a governments power comes from consent of the people?

John Locke believed that a government's power comes from the consent of the people. He argued that individuals have natural rights that governments must protect, and that if a government fails to do so, the people have the right to overthrow it.

John locke believed that?

Governments must serve and protect their people APEX;)

People have natural rights that the government should protect?

The Declaration of Independence and the constitution.

WHO WAS THE Enlightenment thinker thought people had the right to overthrow bad governments?

One of the Enlightenment thinkers who believed that people had the right to overthrow bad governments was John Locke. Locke argued that if a government fails to protect the natural rights of its citizens – life, liberty, and property – then the people have the right to rebel and establish a new government.

Who is the author of the following quote Governments that fail to protect the rights of the people should be overthrown?

John Locke.

Which American founder base their new governments on the ideas of this enlightenment philosopher?

john Locke

How did the writings of people like john Locke lead colonists to resent the british government?

John Locke's writings, such as his theory of natural rights and limited government, inspired colonists to value individual liberties and question British authority. Colonists felt that the British government's infringement on their natural rights, such as through taxation without representation and strict control, went against the principles of liberty and consent of the governed espoused by Locke. This ultimately fueled their resentment towards the British government.

One contribution that John Locke made to Enlightenment philosophy was the idea that?

governments should be based on the consent of the people.

One contribution that john Locke made to enlightenment pholosophy was the idea that?

governments should be based on the consent of the people.