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They established a tradition of direct demorcracy.

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Q: What tradition did the Mayflower Compact established?
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What did the compact Mayflower compact do?

The Mayflower Compact established a tradition of direct democracy.

What the Mayflower Compact do?

The Mayflower Compact established a tradition of direct democracy.

The Mayflower Compact did what?

The Mayflower Compact established a tradition of direct democracy.

Where did the Mayflower compact?

The mayflower compact was an established tradition of elected Representative serving in the government.

What The Mayflower compact establish?

The Mayflower compact established a temporary form of self-government. The Mayflower compact was established and signed on November 11, 1620.

What did Mayflower Compact establish?

The Mayflower compact established a temporary form of self-government. The Mayflower compact was established and signed on November 11, 1620.

What did the mayflower compact establish?

The Mayflower compact established a temporary form of self-government. The Mayflower compact was established and signed on November 11, 1620.

Mayflower Compact was ruled by what type of government?

Democratic authority was established by the Mayflower Compact.

What is the name of the document that the Plymouth colony wrote?

The Mayflower Compact established rules for the governing in Plymouth.

What established the colonial government?

Mayflower compact

What was the Mayflower compact and what it establish?

The Mayflower compact is the first written form of government and it was established November 21, 1620.

What was the document that established a civil government?

The Mayflower compact