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To become an archaeologist, you typically need to obtain a bachelor's degree in Archaeology or a related field, such as anthropology or history. Further training may involve earning a master's or doctoral degree in archaeology, gaining fieldwork experience through internships or field schools, and acquiring technical skills in areas like archaeological excavation techniques, laboratory analysis, and artifact conservation. Additionally, obtaining permits and certifications may be required depending on the region where you plan to work.

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Q: What training do you have to take before being a archaeologist?
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Do you have to take Geography to be an archaeologist?

While a background in geography can be beneficial for studying archaeology, it is not a requirement to become an archaeologist. Archaeology is an interdisciplinary field that draws on knowledge and skills from various subjects, including anthropology, history, and geology. Specializing in one of these areas can also lead to a career in archaeology.

What special skills or abilities do you need to be an archaeologist?

To be an archaeologist, you need strong analytical skills to interpret artifacts and data, excellent attention to detail for excavation and documentation, physical stamina for fieldwork, and strong research skills to investigate historical contexts. Additionally, good teamwork and communication skills are vital for collaborating with colleagues and presenting findings.

An archaeologist claimed that he found some gold coins dated 46 bc?

It is important to verify the authenticity of the coins and the dating method used by the archaeologist. Gold coins from 46 BC could be historically significant and valuable, but further research and expert assessment would be needed to confirm their origin and age.

How long do you have to wait for the mayor to reach the archaeolegist in Mysims agents?

You will need to wait until the next day in the game for the mayor to reach the archaeologist in MySims Agents. The game progresses in days, so you may have to wait until the following in-game day for this interaction to take place.

How long did it take for Cabeza De Vaca to escape from Indians?

It took Cabeza de Vaca approximately six years to escape from the Native Americans after being enslaved by them. He journeyed through the American Southwest before finally finding Spanish colonizers in Mexico.

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What is archaeologist's camera use for?

To take a picture of the artifacts they dug up.

Where can I take healthcare assistant training?

A number of community colleges offer training on being a healthcare assistant. Course schedules can be found on their websites.

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8 weeks of basic training (BCT), and 3 weeks to 2 years of advanced individual training (AIT, depending on the jod being trained for.

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How can I obtain a EKG certification?

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