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Neurotransmitters don't relay messages. They are chemicals released from one neuron that diffuse across the synaptic cleft and bind to postsynaptic receptors on another cell. 'Messages' is a simile that people use to anthropomorphise how neurons work but actually - any message as such, which you might call a thought, is an enormously complex abstraction of millions of these events happening in a close temporal sequence.

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The signal from one neurone is passed to the next are a gap between the two called the synapse. The presynaptic neurone (the sender) has an AP the comes down the the end of the axon where it stimulates, through various mechanisms, the release of something called a neurotransmitter. The neurotransmitter difuses across the gap the the postsynaptic cell (the receiver) where is activates binding proteins which change the concentration OS ions within the cell (usually be opening ion channels) so depolarise the membrane. If the depolarisation is sufficient then another action potential in the postsynaptic cell will be initiated.

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Q: What transmits a message from one neuron to the next neuron?
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How does a message travel from one neuron to the next?

It travels from the brain to the Spinal Cord.

How is a nerve specialised to carry out its function?

A nerve cell is called a neuron. The neuron has dendrites that receive impules from the previous neuron and send it to the cell body and an axon that transmits the impulse to the next neuron. There is a space between one cell's axon and the next cell's dendrites called a synapse. Neurotransmitters are released from the axon terminal to carry the impulse across the synapse.

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The neurotransmitters from one neuron have direct effect on the next neuron. They are channels that are used to transmit messages in the nerves.

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It is called an Interneuron

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The neurotransmitters from one neuron have direct effect on the next neuron. They are channels that are used to transmit messages in the nerves.

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The space between the ending of one neuron and the communication with the next neuron is called the synapse, or sometimes it is called the synaptic gap or synaptic cleft. But synapse is the common term.

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Myelin sheath never transmits the impulse from one neuron to another. On the contrary these are insulating cells which prevent transmission of nerve impulses.

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The synaptic gap is the space between the dendrites of one neuron and the axon of the next. The impulse is carried across this space by chemicals called neurotransmitters which conduct the electrical impulse.

Which part of the neuron transmits information to other cells?

The end of one neuron, the presynaptic button, sends messages to other cells by releasing neurotransmitters (chemical messengers) into the synaptic cleft (a small space between two neurons). The other cell, whether it be a neuron, a muscle, a sweat gland, etc., will receive this message at the post synaptic membrane of its cell, and will respond accordingly.

Do neurons touch?

No. There is a synaptic cleft between the axon of one neuron and the dendrite of another neuron. At the synapse, a chemical messenger is needed - in order to carry the "message" from one nerve to the next, whereupon electrical transmission once again occurs (via depolarization and then repolarization).

What is the location of the vesicles that store neurotransmitter?

Synapses are located throughout the nervous system. A synapse is a sort of 'relay station' where a message, in the form a a chemical neurotransmitter, is passed on between one neuron (nerve fibre) & the next, or between a neuron & the muscle or gland the message is aimed at.

What A message moves from one end of a neuron to another in the form of what?

resting potential