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The refrigerant

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Q: What transports ultraviolet dye through the air conditioning system?
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What transports ultraviolet dye through the ac system?

The refrigerant itself does.

What transports ultraviolet dye through the AC system during leak testing?

The dye travels with the refrigerant and oil through the system.

What transports ultraviolet dye the ac system?

The refrigerant itself does.

What is the system that transports materials through out the body?

The circulatory system.

What is a fact about your circulatory system?

It transports nutrients through your body.

What is the system that transports oxygen and nutrients through out the body?

The vascular system, specifically the blood.

What transfers ultraviolet dye through the ac system?

The dye is carried along with the lubricating oil as it moves through system.

Is arteries part of the system that transports blood through a living organism?

Yes, it's the circulatory system.

How the body transports blood nutrients and other materials through a system of vessels.?


What are the leak detecting devices used in the automobile air conditioning system?

Well I've seen ultraviolet reactive refrigerant that will indicate leaks, when a UV light is shinned on it.

What system transports substances around the body?

It transports materials

What is autonomic conditioning?

Autonomic conditioning refers to the process by which the autonomic nervous system learns to respond to environmental cues and triggers. Through repeated exposure to certain stimuli, this system can become conditioned to react in a particular way without conscious control. This process is often associated with learned behaviors and emotional responses.