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Usually mirrors or a large reflector traps the sun's heat and focuses it on the food.

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Q: What traps heat in the solar cooker?
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Why do you blacken the outer surface of a solar cooker?

It is because black colour is a good absorber of heat

Why a glass plate is used in solar cooker?

it is used so that it does not allow the sun s ray to go out of the cooker

What layer in the atmosphere traps heat?

the troposphere

Which planet in your solar system is the hottest?

The hottest planet in our solar system is, despite proximity, Venus. Mercury is closer to the sun, however, Venus' atmosphere is so thick that it absorbs heat and does not release it for a while, acting somewhat like an oven.

What traps the heat in the atmosphere of a planet that causes it to heat up?

The Greenhouse effect...

Related questions

How is solar cooker different from a normal pressure cooker?

A solar cooker and a pressure cooker are two completely different ways of cooking. A pressure cooker can still use a heat source like a gas or electric cook top. A solar cooker is as the mercy of the heat of the sun and the contents will only cook as well as the amount of heat it obtains.

What is the use of the glass lid in the solar cooker?

When sunlight falls over the solar cooker top, the sun rays pass through the glass sheet cover and get absorbed inside the cooker box. This glass sheet covers does not allow the solar energy to flow out in the form of radiant heat.Thus it traps more and more heat rays of the sun thereby producing green house effect.That is why glass lid is used in the solar cooker.

What are the function of solar cooker with reference to heat properties?

Ce to heat property

What is the role of a plane mirror and a glass sheet in a solar cooker?

The sun rays pass through the glass sheet cover and get absorbed inside the cooker box. It traps more and more heat rays of the sun, thus heating the food item.

Why did horace de saussure invent the solar cooker?

because he did not have stoves back then so he made a solar cooker to heat his food up

Which mirror is used in solar cooker?

a plane mirror is used in solar cookers so that the heat reflected by the mirror to the cooker should be same as the light(heat) given out by sun. hope dat helped

Which gas traps heat on Venus gas solar energy?

Venus has a very thick carbon dioxide atmosphere, which traps the heat from the sun.

What was could solar cookers save the world's forest?

it can observe the heat and reflect the light from the solar cooker

Why the solar cookers are painted inside as well as outside?

Because if we will not paint then the heat is reflect on the solar cooker

What is the function of solar cooker?

The solar cooker has three major functions. The first function is concentrating the light from the sun into one small area. Reflective materials are used to do this, and the result is that the heat is more concentrated in the solar cooker. The second function is turning the sunlight into heat. This is accomplished by using a substance that can absorb the heat from the sun and store it for cooking purposes. The third function is trapping the heat created by the sunlight. Trapping the heat helps to cook food more evenly and means that the solar cooker can be used on both hot and cold days.

What is a solar cooker made of?

A solar box cooks because the interior of the box is heated by the energy of the sun. Sunlight, both direct and reflected, enters the solar box through the glass or plastic top. It turns to heat energy when it is absorbed by the dark absorber plate and cooking pots. This heat input causes the temperature inside of the solar box cooker to rise until the heat loss of the cooker is equal to the solar heat gain. Temperatures sufficient for cooking food and pasteurizing water are easily achieved.

Can a solar cooker work on a cloudy day?

no, because the solar oven needs heat from the sun in order to cook properly.