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My hamster used to have a bald patch until i rubbed on some tea tree cream on to the bald area for a couple of days until the fur started to grow back in. Hope this comes in useful :)

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Q: What treatment would your hamster get for having a bald patch?
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Why would blood be in hamster urine?

Ummm.....they might be having their period.

What is the slowest dwarf hamster?

Chinese dwarf hamsters are the slowest of dwarf hamsters, they are easy to handle and I would recommend to anyone who is having a first time dwarf hamster.

Would you name a female hamster Jullie or Wanda?

Julie is a Great name for a Hamster as I myself named a Hamster named Julie and she was an excellent hamster! In my opinion i would name the Hamster Julie.

Is it bad if your hamster flips on its back and squeaks?

sounds like it may be having a seizure. Yes this would be bad see a vet.

What would happen if you dropped a hamster on its back?

If you dropped a hamster on its back it would go into shock.

How long does it take for a teddy bear hamster and a baby hamster to get along?

Adult hamsters don't usually get along, an adult hamster and a baby hamster would never get along, they would fight.

What is the smallest hamster?

The smallest hamster is a robo hamster.

Are you supposed to punish a hamster?

No, the hamster would have no idea why you are hurting it. Hamsters do not act with malice. What good would it do to hurt your hamster. All you will do is make it hate & fear you.YES I AGREE, PLEASE DO NOT HURT YOUR HAMSTER.

Scientific name of hamster?

a good name for a scientific hamster would be sir sniffles have fun naming your hamster

Is it common for a hamster to die after a fall?

Yes, they have very small bones and organs. A fall of a few feet for a hamster would be like a fall of a few stories for a person. One of my hamsters once fell 12x3 feet into a grass patch. It froze there for probably half an hour before we realized he fell and went down to search for him. After we found him lying motionless, we prodded him a bit and he squeaked and scuffled his limbs while still upside down, but other than that he was still fine.. However, we suspect there were some bone fractures as there was something weird in his movement, behavior and diet after that.

Can a hamster die from having too many pregnancies?

YES each time your hamser has babies it makes it body older making your hamster life span shorter and if you keep making your hamster have baby it will soon just become and 1 not be able to get pregnant and then die earlier then it would of done if it hadnt had babies

Which hamster is calmest male or femail?

it depends on the hamster I think it would be either or