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No treaty started or ended the Great Depression. The depression years were an economic event that worsened with the world's rigid adherence to the gold standard behind major currencies. Its devastating effects began to soften and disappear with the worldwide devaluations of currency in terms of its backing by gold. In fact, during the depression years, every major currency abandoned convertibility to gold.

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Q: What treaty ended the Great Depression?
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What ended the Great Depression?

World War II

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It was not ended by a bomb.

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The great depression started in october 1929 when the stock market crashed and it ended in 1934.

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No. Slavery ended in 1865. The Great Depression was in 1929 to 1939.

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Franklin Roosevelt was president when the great depression ended and the great war began.

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The Great Depression ended in the late 30s. The Depression ended around when World War II began. Many believe WW2 helped end the Depression, since war materials and troops provided paying jobs to millions.

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Treaty of Versailles

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Herbert Hoover was President when the Great Depression began. Franklin Roosevelt was President when the Depression ended.

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The Great Depression ended the economic prosperity of the 1920s.

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The Gret Depression ended in the early months of 1932.

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The Treaty of Versailles ended World War One. I'm not to sure why this question was in the World war Two category.