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Q: What tree represents old age and wisdom?
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What does a ring on a tree represent?

Darling...Each tree ring represents 1{ONE} year.!.! Got It !~!

An oak tree is 6 times as old as a pine tree and an elm tree is 6 years younger than the oak tree In 3 years the age of the elm will be 3 times the age of the pine How old is the oak tree now?

An oak tree is 6 times as old as a pine tree and an elm tree is 6 years younger than the oak tree. In 3 years, the age of the elm will be 3 times the age of the pine. How old is the oak tree now?

How old was Sir Norman Wisdom at death?

Sir Norman Wisdom died on October 4, 2010 at the age of 95.

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Was a senate originally a council of old men who used wisdom of age to deliberate?


What is the average age of a 25 foot tree?

The average age for a 25 foot tree is about 200 years old. They are usually in rainforests as they are very healthy

Is old age a curse?

Old age is not inherently a curse. It can bring wisdom, experience, and the opportunity for reflection and personal growth. While challenges may arise in old age, viewing it as a curse overlooks the value and richness that can come with aging.

How old is Norman Wisdom?

Norman Wisdom was 95 years old when he died on October 4, 2010. (birthdate: February 4, 1915)

What is the connotative meaning of old age?

The connotative meaning of old age often includes associations with wisdom, experience, and maturity. It can also carry connotations of frailty, decline, and vulnerability.

Is grandma' old?

Age is a relative term, but it's possible that your grandmother is old based on the average lifespan in your region. It's important to respect and appreciate the wisdom and experiences that come with age.

How can we tell how old a tree a rock and a horse is?

1. The age of a tree can be determined by counting the annual rings (cambiam rings in dicotledons). 2. The age of a horse is determined by the number of teeth 3.The age of rocks can be determined by carbon dating.

What color represents turning 81 years old?

There is no specific color traditionally associated with turning 81 years old. However, colors that symbolize wisdom, longevity, and celebration such as gold, silver, and blue may be fitting choices for a milestone birthday like turning 81.