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Q: What tribes did the Dutch encounter while exploring North America?
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What European countries were exploring and settling in the America?

France, Spain, Dutch, English.

For which country was Hudson exploring?

He was an English explorer exploring for the Dutch.

Which country was Hudson exploring?

He was an English explorer exploring for the Dutch.

What technology did the Dutch use for exploring?

The astrolabe, jackstaff and the compass.

What did dutch do different when compared to other exploring nations?


What place was John Cabot famous for exploring?

John Cabot was an English sailor sailing for the Dutch. he was famous for exploring parts of Canada

What year did the dutch come to America?

the dutch arrived in America in 1609.

What group of settlers brought bowling to America?

dutch dutch dutch

What are the major languages of South America?

The 9 major languages in South America are Aymara, Dutch, English, French, Guaraní, Papiamento, Portuguese, Quechua and Spanish. There are many other minor languages spoken by native tribes though.

What are the Dutch's settlements in America?

New Netherlands and New Amsterdam are two Dutch settlements in America.

Why did John Cabot leave home?

Because they England would not finance his exploring voyages. So he went to the dutch and they did and hence New Amsterdam was originally Dutch.

Why did John Cabot leave Europe?

because they (england ) would not finance his exploring voyages. So he went to the dutch and they did and hence New Amsterdam was originally Dutch.