

What trick did the Greeks use to win the war?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What trick did the Greeks use to win the war?
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What war did Greeks win though they were outnumbered?

nearly every war they fought

What trick did the Odysseus create to win the Trojan War?

Odysseus tricked the Trojans into thinking that the Greeks had given up any hope of conquering the city and had left a wooden horse behind which the Trojans then brought into the city of Troy not knowing that there were Greeks within the horse who opened up the city gates allowing the Greeks to capture the city .

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In the Eastern Mediterranean 499-449 BCE.

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the answer is the horse from the greeks

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Did Agamemnon win The Trojan War?

King Agamemnon did win the Trojan War. The Greeks were able to break into the walls of Troy by building the famous Trojan Horse. Greeks opened the gates in the middle of the night and were able to storm the city.

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The Trojan Horse

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Athena helping the Greeks win the war by telling them to build the 'Trojan Horse'.

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Poseidon helped the Greeks win the Trojan War

Who let the Greeks to victory during the Trojan Was?

the oddyese help the Greeks win thr uwhewjj je war hgbdhiqsjrhlwkjdhfwijkfhlsjfherklfhuipogywhpeiuogherwpigkufepriogfyueiobgfjnfvjksvhudshgeohtuhetghteiuogyhtegh fkjgnkjgnfidjbgfido gfdjbgdfjghdfiebfbgneghewughweoiuthewgwyasss jdhfoewiroufh

What were the Greeks able to use to win the battle Salamis?

their large area of land

How did Achilles incluence The Trojan war?

Achilles was the primary reason the Greeks ever even had a chance, and ultimately, by killing Hector (the second best warrior in the battle), he allowed the Greeks to win the war.