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Q: What trimester does the mother feel the fetus kick?
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Can a 9 weeks fetus moves?

Yes it can kick and stuff cause it's in the 2nd trimester.

What is feel the kick?

When a pregnant woman feels the fetus (baby) move inside her womb ("tummy") sometimes they are actually kicking or poking her while trying to reposition themselves. You can even sometimes see them move and push against her from the inside. If the mother doesn't mind and gives you permission, you can touch her abdomen when they are active and feels the kick for yourself. Usually it is in the second trimester of pregnancy (around the fifth month) when the woman first starts to feel the movement and as things get more and more crowded as the baby grows, the mother will feel this as stronger "kicks".

Why would a 5 month fetus kick a lot?

A five month old fetus will kick alot because there is lots of room to do it your pregnancy progresses these movements will feel stronger as baby runs out of space........He/She is playing.

Is it natural to feel more sexual in early pregnancy?

Some woman are tired, have sore breasts and some nausea in the first trimester; that eases up in the 2nd trimester. But not all! Some women just feel so great, that the hormones kick in and they feel more sexual thru the whole pregnancy.

What make a fetus kick its legs?

the fetus kicks its legs due to its nervous system!

Is it normal for a17 weeks fetus to kick to the cervix?

people often feel kicking as early as 16 weeks. a 17 week old baby may kick and you might feel it in your cervix. usually they aren't that strong at that age, though. is your doctor sure of your dates?

What happens in the fourth month of pregnancy?

The fetus begins to kick and swallow, although most women still can't feel the baby move at this point. Now 4 oz (112 g) in weight, the fetus can hear and urinate

Why does a fetus kick at the touch of a person?

about the first stage to the second

Who commits Feticide why?

It could be argued that any abortion is feticide, but I have also heard of deranged people killing the mother and therefore the fetus to avoid paternity. Other men may simply punch or kick the mother's stomach in an attempt to cause miscarriage.

Should your baby kick lots?

While in the womb or after he or she is born? The baby tends to kick a lot when you start approaching your third trimester. Babies that are born tend to kick often too, especially when upset or excited.

Is a tingling sensation in the ribcage normal during the second trimester?

most of the time yes.... you should now be able to feel the baby kick and move around. If it gets to the point where it bothers you, go to the doctor and make sure everything is okay

Can you feel the baby kick at week 16?

Feels pretty much like a pop. Sometimes you can actually see your stomach popping up and down depending on how often the fetus kicks or move.