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Title I of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act amended US copyright law to comply with the WIPO Copyright Treaty and the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty.

The WCT made specific clarifications to the Berne Convention in response to technological advances; it includes the protection of computer programs as literary work, protection of the arrangement and selection of material in databases, and prohibits circumvention of technological protection measures (e.g., DRM).

The WPPT was an update to the Rome Convention; it clarified the rights involved in unfixed performances, and the various relationships among performers, producers, and broadcasters.

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Q: What two 1996 World Intellectual Property Organizations treaties did DMCA implement?
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Ghana uses laws based on international treaties to protect patents, trademarks, and copyrights. See the link below for details.

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Before the internet existed. Internet piracy involves infringement of copyright, or intellectual property rights, which has been illegal for a long time.The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), passed in 1996 (and made effective October 28, 1998), closed some unanticipated holes in existing copyright statutes. The Act explicitly extended protection to various digital media and criminalized acts intended to gain unauthorized access to or allow distribution of copyrighted materials such as movies, music, software, etc.The law was written to implement treaties of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), which encourages legal cooperation between participating nations in safeguarding creative or intellectual products. Not all countries abide by these treaties.

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Copyrights are regulated by federal governments; in the US it is overseen by the Copyright Office, a part of the Library on Congress. Internationally, copyright treaties are overseen by the World Intellectual Property Organization.

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