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Britain no longer has direct control over any of its colonies on the mainland of North America - while Canada still honors the British monarch, the British parliament has no direct control over either Canada or the US. In the Caribbean, they still maintain control of Bermuda, but the Bahamas and Barbados are now their own countries. They no longer maintain control over their Central American holdings, British Honduras and Mosquito Coast.

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Q: What two British colonies are in North America?
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the relationship between the two is depicted by mercantilism is a new economic policy and colonization is the establishment of colonies; "the British colonization of America" so the British colonized colonies and made a new mercantilism.

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the relationship between the two is depicted by mercantilism is a new economic policy and colonization is the establishment of colonies; "the British colonization of America" so the British colonized colonies and made a new mercantilism.

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well i have two for you: to search for gold and to expand their kingdom

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