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Q: What two bodies of water Does the Panama Canal (oceansea)?
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Major bodies of water in panama?

The Panama Canal and the Isthmus of Panama.

The panama canal near what two bodies of water?

The Panama Canal is near the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea.

What bodies of water are connected by the panama canal?

The Panama Canal connects the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean sea.

What two bodies of water does the panama the canal connect?

The Panama Canal connects the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean.

What 2 bodies of water does the panama canal connects?

The Panama Canal connects to the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean.

What two bodies of water does the Panama Canal connect to?

The Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans

What does the Panama separate?

The Panama Canal joins bodies of water, it does not separate them. The two bodies in question are The Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea.

What is the narrow channel of water connecting two larger bodies of water called?

A narrow body of water that connects two larger bodies of water is called a strait. A man made strait can also be called a canal, like the Panama Canal.

The panama canal connects which two bodies of water?

Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. ;)

What three bodies of water does the Panama Canal connect?

The Panama Canal connects the Pacific Ocean, and the Atlantic Ocean by way of the Caribbean Sea.

What 2 bodies of water connect Panama?

Atlantic ocean (Caribbean sea) and Pacific ocean via the panama canal

What are the two bodies of water does the isthmus of panama separate?

The Panama Canal connects the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean.