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Yellow and blue.

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Q: What two colors makes the green color?
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What makes the color green?

The color green , which is a secondary color , is made by combinding two primary colors : blue and yellow .

What are the two colors that makes up green?

Yellow and blue make green. It will depend on the color tone and strength of these 2 individual colors as to which shade of green you end up with.Yellow and blue.

On the color wheel green is a....?

On the color wheel green is a secondary color. It is a mixture of two primary colors, yellow and blue.

What color you get when you mix blue and green?

depends on the shades of the two colors and how much of either two colors. it will probably become Forrest green.

What two primary colors can be mixed together to make the color green?

Blue and Yellow are the two primary colors that mix to make green..

What colors goes with color green?

Blue and Green have a great match together because: they are both dark colors they are my two favorite colors!!

What color do you mix to get green?

Two primary colors, yellow and blue, when mixed will make green(a secondary color).

What two coulores make green?

The two colors that makes green are yellow and blue.

What two colors makes the color yellow?

yellow & red

What two colors are confused most in color blindness?

Red and green

What color makes yellow?

Yellow is a primary color. Therefore nothing can be mixed to make it. In lighting yellow is not a primary color, red green and blue are, I don't remember which colors make yellow, but it is only possible in lighting