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Q: What two continents have never been the site of a major military conflict?
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What continent have never been the site of a major military conflict?

Australia and Antarctica

Who of the 14 US presidents who were never in the military were in office during a war or conflict?

James Madison, James Polk, Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, and George W. Bush were never in the military, but were in office during war or major military conflict.

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Joan was not an explorer, she was a military leader. She never left her home country of France in Europe.

What two continents never fought in a major war?

Antarctica and South America never fought against each other in a war of any kind.

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mccain never went to college.he was in the military when he was supposed to be in college.

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Conflict which never stops.

Why do you think the continent stop drifting?

Continents never stopped drifting. Continents are alwaysin motion, even now.

What continents never have direct sunlight shining on them?

All continents receive direct sunlight for at least part of the year.

In world war 2 Hitler took over how many continents?

Zero. He never took any complete continents.

How did the continents come together?

the continents have never come together. however, they started out together as a land mass called Pangaea.

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My and my sister always had some conflict, and it never seemed resolvable...

How did the war of American of Independece escalated to a global conflict?

It never was a global conflict.