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Q: What two developments led Napoleon to sell the US Louisiana?
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Napoleon's foreign troubles with Britain and Santo Domingo?

led to a surprise offer to sell Louisiana to the United States for $15 million.

Black revolutionary whose successful slave revolution indirectly led to Napoleon's sale of Louisiana?

Toussaint Louverture.

What led Napoleon to sell the territory of Louisana in 1802?

France needed cash to continue the war in Europe.

How did toussaint help the US?

Led by Toussaint L'Ovuerture, the Haitians had destroyed a French army sent to control them. Without Haiti, Napoleon did not need Louisiana. So, Louisiana was sold to the United States for 15,000,000

How did Toussaint L'Ouverture help the US?

Led by Toussaint L'Ovuerture, the Haitians had destroyed a French army sent to control them. Without Haiti, Napoleon did not need Louisiana. So, Louisiana was sold to the United States for 15,000,000

How did the Louisiana territory come to be under french control?

This land was purchased from France in 1803 for $15,000,000.

What led napoleon Bonaparte to accept Jefferson's offer to buy the Louisiana territory?

Bonaparte needed the cash fast since he was at war with three other countries. He sold the Louisiana territory for only $15,000 in order to make a quick buck.

What led to napoleons decision to sell the Louisiana territory to the us?

The need of collecting money for the impending war against Great Britain.

Who led napoleon?

Carnot,and as Napoleon himself calls him: The organiser of victory

Who led Napoleon army?

Carnot,and as Napoleon himself calls him: The organiser of victory

What intellectual developments led to the emergence of the Enlightenment?

Some key intellectual developments that led to the emergence of the Enlightenment include the Scientific Revolution, which stressed empirical observation and reason to understand the natural world, as well as the rise of humanism and individualism that encouraged critical thinking and questioning of traditional authority. The Enlightenment also drew on the ideas of prominent thinkers such as Descartes, Locke, and Newton who promoted rationalism, empiricism, and the belief in human progress through reason and education.

Which Chinese invention led to both of these developments?

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