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Raising cotton in Egypt led to monoculture, where only one crop was cultivated extensively, reducing crop diversity and increasing vulnerability to pests and diseases. Additionally, cotton production required significant amounts of water, leading to strains on the country's already limited water resources.

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Q: What two effects did raising cotton have on Egyptian agriculture?
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What resources and industries were once important in AZ's past?

Arizona's past was shaped by mining (copper, silver, and gold), agriculture (cotton, citrus fruits, and cattle ranching), and tourism (Grand Canyon and desert resorts). These industries were vital to the state's economic development and growth.

What did the Aztecs use in their environment?

The Aztecs used resources from their environment such as maize (corn), beans, squash, chilies, and cacao for food, cotton and maguey fibers for textiles, and obsidian for tools and weapons. They also utilized the lakes and canals around their capital city of Tenochtitlan for transportation and agriculture.

What are some resources and industries tha were once important in faulkner county AR?

Some important resources and industries in Faulkner County, AR, included timber, agriculture, and oil drilling in the past. Agriculture was especially significant, with cotton being a major crop. Additionally, the region benefited from its timber resources, which supported a vibrant lumber industry. Oil drilling also played a role in the county's economy during certain periods.

What did the Incas farm?

The Incas farmed a variety of crops, including maize (corn), potatoes, quinoa, beans, and sweet potatoes. They also cultivated cotton and raised llamas and alpacas for their wool. Agriculture played a crucial role in sustaining the Inca Empire.

What kind of work did most people in Egypt do?

Many people in Egypt work in agriculture, particularly in growing crops such as wheat, rice, and cotton. Others work in industries like textiles, tourism, and construction. Additionally, there is a significant portion of the population that works in the service sector, including jobs in healthcare, education, and retail.