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Noun and verb

every sentence must have a subject and a predicate!!

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Q: What two elements does every complete sentence need?
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What must every simple sentence contain?

A noun and a verb. "John ran" is a complete sentence because it contains both.

2 main components to have a complete sentence?

To have a complete sentence, you need a subject (who or what the sentence is about) and a predicate (what the subject is doing or what is being said about the subject). The subject is typically a noun or pronoun, while the predicate includes a verb and any additional information describing the subject or action.

Is a mineral?

We need a complete sentence.

What is the subject and predicte of where does she live?

The subject of the sentence is "she" and the predicate is "live."

Does a complete sentence need a noun?


Is the following a fragment or complete sentence The baby cried?

The sentence "The baby cried" is a complete sentence because it has a subject (the baby) and a verb (cried) and expresses a complete thought.

Is this a correct sentence ''it will only brings ''?

No. It will only BRING is correct but this is not a complete sentence. It will only bring what? You need to complete the thought.

Did Audrey he?

To answer a question we need a who, where, when, why, or how. Your question is not a complete sentence.

Is autumn leaves a complete subject?

no beacuse it does no have a predicate. to have a compllete sentence you need a subject and a predicate. The above answer is incorrect. The complete subject of a sentence such as "Autumn leaves need to be raked up." is "Autumn leaves". The answerer above mistook "Subject" for "Sentence" A complete sentence needs a verb, but a complete subject does not have a verb unless it is a clause.

What does a dependent clause need to be considered a complete sentence?

A dependent clause needs to be combined with an independent clause to form a complete sentence. It lacks a subject and verb that can stand alone to express a complete thought.

Can you complete a sentence with the word do?

Yep! Example: I need to show her what to do.

Should the tile of an essay be a complete sentence?

It doesn't need to be.