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Some would say Judaism and Christianity though others would see few if any similarities between the two other than those on the surface. Then there are those who ascribe to the term Judeo-Christian ethics which appears to have begun in the 1940s would point to many things like the strong belief in one God and adherence to the 10 Commands of God.

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Q: What two faiths make up the Judeo-Christian tradition?
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A:Some scholars believe that at in the early years of the first century, there were two distinct traditions. One was a sayings tradition, with no suggestion of a crucifixion narrative, while the other tradition told of the crucifixion and destiny of Jesus, but knew nothing of the moral teachings. On this view, these traditions were merged by the author of Mark's Gospel, creating one syncretic religion from two earlier and quite distinct faiths. If so, Mark, and the gospels that followed, established Christianity as we know it today.

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Why do you lie that the Torah is older than a bible?

This question is inflammatory. The word Torah means instruction. The first five books of the JudeoChristian Bible is the Torah. Since it is generally agreed that these same five books are the foundation of both Judaism and Christianity and that these are the eldest books of the Bible, it is not a lie. The JudeoChristian Bible was set as cannon in two stages. The Old Testament (Tanakh to the Jews) was formalized in a continuing process until about 100 AD. The New Testament cannon was not formalized until about 400AD. The Bible as Christians know it was finalized about that time. The Torah is the foundation of both religions and is recognized as the basis of JudeoChristian ethics. Archeological evidence found in the Qumran region, known as the Dead Sea Scrolls, confirm that copies of Torah scrolls were actively being used before the first century.

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Zoroastrianism is the oldest monotheistic religion. All the earliest religions were pagan so the Abrahamic faiths came much later.Answer:The above answer doesn't address the question, but I would like to point out that tradition (Talmud, Sanhedrin 39a) states that the Zoroastrians believed in two gods, not one.