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The house of Representatives and the other is the Senate. Together they make up the Legislative Branch of our government.

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6mo ago

The two houses that make up the US Congress are the House of Representatives and the Senate. Together, they make up the legislative branch of the US government.

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Q: What two houses make up the us congress and what branch of government do they make up?
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What branch was formed by two houses of congress?

The two houses of Congress - the Senate and the House of Representatives - make up the Legislative branch of the U.S. government.

What does the Legislative branch of the federal government mean?

In the US, that just means Congress. The Executive branch is the president, and the Judicial branch is the Supreme Court.

What is the 'congress' and name the 2 houses of congress?

Congress is in the Legislative branch, they make laws. The two houses are The house of Representatives and the senate

Which branch of the government is congress?

Legislative branch. They make the laws.

What branch of government can make a law?

Legislative which is Congress

What are the three arms of government and theirfunction?

The Legislative Branch to make the laws. Congress is made up of two houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Executive Branch to enforce the laws. The Judicial Branch interprets the laws.

3 branches of government - 1 house in congress each state 1 vote?

Executive branch, Legislative branch, and judicial branch. No, there are two houses that make congress. The Senate with 100 members that have 2 from each state. The House of Representatives with 435 members.

Does Congress make all your laws?

In the US, Congress is divided into "Houses" (sometimes called chambers). Both houses of Congress -- the US Senate and the US House of Representatives -- are part of the Legislative Branch of government. The Senate and House of Representatives make laws together. Under most circumstances, they have to agree by a simple majority vote.

Which branch can overrule the presidents veto?

The Legislative branch (Congress) can override a veto with a two-thirds vote from both the Senate and the House of Representatives. This power is a check on the Executive branch of government, and is designed to ensure the President doesn't overstep his (or her) authority or prevent vital legislation from passing into law.

What houses make up the legislative branch of government?

dont worry about it

What 2 groups make up the legislative branch?

Congress and government agencies make up the legislative branch

What part of the government is congress in?

Legislative branch=thay make laws