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The power of the government and the rights of the individual

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Q: What two ideas did the constitution try to balance?
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What were the two ideas the Constitution attempted to balance?

States rights versus federal rights , and individual rights for citizens versus protecting all the citizens under the law of the land.

What two unpopular ideas later became part of the US Constitution?

the idea of freeing slaves and allowing minority groups as well as women the right to vote were unpopular ideas, who later became part of the constitution.

What are two literary techniques and how they can be used when creating a constitution?

by the check and balance system and the three-branch sytem

What is the name fo the person how made the Constitution?

If you are asking about the US Constitution, it was not one person but a collective of ideas from representatives of all the thirteen colonies then. Benjamin Franklin and George Washington are but two of them. Many of the ideas came from the Native Americans and settlers too.

What two important ideas of John Locke are reflected in the Constitution?

The two important ideas of John Locke that are reflected in the Constitution are that people have natural rights to life, liberty and the property and the government is an agreement between ruler and the ruled.

What are two enlightenment ideas that are included in the Constitution?

Two enlightenment ideas included in the Constitution are the concept of popular sovereignty, which asserts that the authority of the government is derived from the consent of the governed, and the principle of separation of powers, which divides governmental power among three branches to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful.

How does the supreme court ability to amend the constitution informally serve as a check and balance on the other branches of government?

The Supreme Court may not amend the Constitution, but their interpretations definitely serve as checks and balances on the other two branches. Laws have to agree with the Constitution to be legal.

Why are there the two houses to check each other in the constitution?

The main concern of the constitution was that no one person or body have too much power, so there was built into the framework a way to check and balance all bodies of government.

Throughout its history country music has been trying to find a balance between two ideas Which are they?

traditional things and modern things

The ideas of checks and balances and the separation of powers suggest that the framers of the constitution feared a two-house legislature?

false it was the concentration of too much power. novanet !

Did the constitution create a democracy or a republic?

No, the Framers created a republic, not a democracy.

How many types of constitution do you have?

we have two type of Constitution Direct constitution and Indirect Constitution that is type of constitution we have