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Q: What two important astronomical discoveries did the guptas more?
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Is it possible to make base on the moon?

Yes, But the cost would be astronomical and would be useless as there are thousands of more important things happening on earth.

Is there any new information about something happening new in space?

New information about space is published all the time. I recommend as perhaps the most timely and interesting info about how space affects us here, but has more detailed astronomical discoveries.

What are the discoveries made by Americans?

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What is the most important thing that happened in the first 50000 years of the universe?

There are many important things that happened in the first 50,000 years of the universe. Many discoveries were made including dinosaurs, man, planets, and much more.

How do new scientific discoveries affect your every day life?

New discoveries affect our lives in that; we have more stuff that helps us do our daily activities faster and more efficiently. New discoveries also affect employment because they use machines to replace human employment.

How technology effect science?

It is a relationship with a benefit for both fields. The more scientific discoveries are made, the more they can use those discoveries to improve technology. The more technological advancements are made, the more they can use those advancements to make new scientific discoveries. In other words, technology is the application of science in the world around us.

How does science build on itself?

Well, not sure this is what the question means, but one way is that several discoveries build on discoveries from the past. If we didn't know about airplanes, it would be hard to imagine spaceships, and if we didn't know about typewriters, it may have been difficult to imagine computers. Telegraphs led to telephones in many ways... more discoveries lead to more discoveries.

Is the President more important than an explorer?

Yes, I think so now. Most of world has been explored already and most explorers do not make any earth-changing discoveries.

Why is US is important?

Well, U.S is important. It has a lot of history. And to the fact that a lot of discoveries are made here. Plus, you live here. If you want to know more about the U.S., well I suggest you look it up in a nearby library or the wonderful internet.

Is the astronomical clock of Prague symbol of Czech Republic?

Not really. More a symbol of Prague.

What are some adjectives with twelve or more letters?

Prothilithic, intellectual, disagreeable, conservative, astronomical are some.

Did Samuel De Champlain have any Discoveries?

yes more than 3! =p