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The 2 Important Buildings British Burned In Washington DC was:

  1. The Capitol
  2. The White House
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Q: What two important buildings did the British burn in Washington D.C.?
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What city did the British enter and burn important buildings?

Washington DC

When did british burn washington?

The British troops burned Washington on August 24, 1814. Two of the buildings they burned were the Capitol building and the White House.

When did the british burn and destroy Washington d c?

August 24, 1814. Washington, D.C. was not destroyed, only several government buildings were burned.

What war almost caused the white house to burn down?

The War of 1812 saw the British come to Washington and burn the White House and other government buildings .

What 2 important building in Washington DC did the British burn?

the british trooped burned down the capitol and the white house

When did the british burn Washington?

in august of 1814

Who was hero of British burn Washington?

Robert Ross (British Army officer) and Admiral George Cockburn

What year did the British burn down Washington DC?

August 24, 1814

When did the British burn and destroy Washington DC?

In 1814, and Dolly Madison save the portrait of George Washington.

Why did England burn down Washington?

England did not burn down the city of Washington. English troops burned public buildings in Washington, including what was later called The White House, because they were at war with the US and US forces had attacked and burned an English town.

What did the british burn in the war of 1812?

The White House and other building sin Washington DC.

When did the British burn and destroy dc?

In 1814, and Dolly Madison save the portrait of George Washington.