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Neil Armstrong left a U.S. flag on the moon, also five medals in honor of five men who gave their lives in the conquest of space, Virgil Grissom, Edward White, Roger Chaffee of the United States , and Yuri Gagarin and another Russian cosmonaut, who died in the first Soyuz craft. A small plaque , which says man from the moon first landed on the moon, on 20/7/1969. we came in peace for all mankind. It has the crew signatures and the signature of president Nixon.

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Q: What two items did Armstrong and Aldrin leave behind on the moon?
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What did Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin leave on the moon?

Gold Glass And The Flag

Who was the second American on the moon?

Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong landed on the Moon simultaniously. Aldrin was, somewhat controversially the second person to walk on the moon. It was a little controversial because conventionally, the captain of a ship is the last person to leave it and Armstrong was the captain.

Was Buzz Aldrin the first person to walk on the moon?

Aldrin and Armstrong shared the same spacecraft, and so landed on the moon simultaneously.Aldrin was the second one to leave the lander and walk on the moon.

What did Neil Armstrong leave behind on the surface of the moon?


How did the first astronats' decide who got to step on the moon first?

According to the original plans, the lunar module pilot was to exit the lander first and leave the mission commander behind in the lander. That would have put Buzz Aldrin on the moon first, with Neil Armstrong second. Through practice sessions it became clear that the lander was too cramped to allow Aldrin to climb over Armstrong, so the order was switched. Essentially, Armstrong was first because he was sitting closer to the door!

What did Aldrin and Armstrong do on the moon?

They were discovering moon rocks and craters and other stuff on the moon. When it was time to leave, they planted an American Flag on the moon.

Do neil Armstrong really landed on moon?

Of course. Edwin Aldrin landed with him, and Michael Collins waited for them out in the car, circling the block until they were finished and ready to leave.

What legacy did Neil Armstrong leave behind?

He won't have a legacy because he will die very soon.

What is the name of the astronaut who placed the US flag on the moon?

The US flag was planted by Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, the first man and second man to walk on the Moon. The iconic photo of Aldrin with the flag was taken by Neil Armstrong. Unfortunately, this flag was too close to the LEM and was blown over when the astronauts took off to leave the Moon.

Did Neil Armstrong leave behind family to go the moon?

Well I dont think they would've gone with him

Where did the Apollo 11 astronauts set up moon quake detectors at?

The Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Buzz Aldrin, did indeed leave behind on the moon , The moon earthquake detectors was working very well as it was found that thre were indeed moon quakes It was placed on Trasnquality Base.

When did Buzz Aldrin leave high school?

Buzz Aldrin left high school in 1951