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i think it is libray or the White House

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The Thomas Jefferson memorial

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Q: What two monuments are found closest to the Lincoln Memorial?
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What two memorials are found closest to lincoln memorial?

The Thomas Jefferson memorial

What two memorials are found closest to the Lincoln memorials?

The Thomas Jefferson memorial

What landmarkes is found closest to the Jefferson Memorial?

The U.S. Official Landmark closest to the Jefferson Memorial is The Korean War Veterans Memorial.

What two memorials are found to the Lincoln Memorial?

Korean War Veterans Memorial and Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

What two memorials are found closets to the Lincoln Memorial?

Korean War Veterans Memorial and Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

What words are found behind Lincolns statue inside the Lincoln Memorial?

Lincoln's Gettysburg Address and his second inaugural speech

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Coins, statues, memorial stamps, monuments. If you are referring to Diana there is I just found out- a memorial waterfall in Hyde Park. Not the Hyde Park frequented by Franklin Delano Roosevelt!- the one in England.

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Where can some of the monuments from Homicide Life on the Streets be found?

Filming for this show was done in Baltimore, Maryland, USA so any of the monuments or buildings you see on the show can be found there.