

What two opposing forces keep the moon from orbiting?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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None. The moon orbits the Earth, Earth orbits the Sun. Inertia and the gravity keep the moon in the Earth's orbit.

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Q: What two opposing forces keep the moon from orbiting?
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What force keeps the moon in orbit around the sun?

The force of gravity that they exert on each other, and the velocities of the Moon and Earth which is their "inertia".

what forces act upon the moon as it is orbiting earth?

Gravity hold the moon in orbit

What force keeps a moon from orbiting a planet?

The Moon is orbiting a planet; It is orbiting the Earth. The velocity /acceleration of the Moon and the gravitational pull between Earth and Moon are in balance, so the Moon remains orbiting the Earth. Similarly the Earth and Moon , as a binary system, orbit the Sun , and the acceleration and gravitational forces are in balance. So none of us collide.

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while the earth is orbiting the sun the moon is orbiting the earth

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One moon is orbiting Earth and that is called The Moon.

Is the moon on top of the sun?

No, it is orbiting our Earth, which is orbiting our Sun.

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No. No moon in the solar system has its own moon.

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No, neither of them have an orbiting moon.

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a satellite of a satellite

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No. No moon in the solar system has a moon orbiting it.

What takes longer to orbit the Sun the Moon or the Earth?

Technically, the moon isn't orbiting the sun. The moon is orbiting the Earth that is orbiting the sun. I guess someone should have paid more attention in elementary school!!!

What does the gravitational pull of the earth keep around it?

The moon, satellites, international space station, and everything else orbiting the earth.