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Two or more atoms joined into a single particle from what

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Q: What two or more atoms joined into a single particle form an .?
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Two or more atoms joined into a single particle form a?

A particle composed of one or more atoms is called a molecule

A group of atoms that are joined together by chemical bonds form a larger particle called?

a molecule

Are elements molecules?

Elements are those substances which have same constituent particle altogether. Molecules are a group of atoms joined together . Atoms of elements join together to form a molecule.

What does a particle accelerator do to atoms?

Nothing unless the atoms form a target. A PARTICLE accelerator accelerates PARTICLES not atoms.

How are an atom and molecule different?

atoms are one single particle and it is in the purest form but a molecule has two or more elements put together

How do the basic particles of a compound Differ from the basic particle of an element?

If you think to atoms they are similar. But in compounds atoms can form ions.

Two bonded fluorine atoms form a neutral particle called what?

a fluorine molecule

What is the two bonded fluorine atoms that form a neutral particle called?

A fluorine molecule

Is atom indivisble particle?

An atom is the smallest particle that still has the properties of that element. But atoms do not usually exist in the solitary state, they form molecules. Atoms themselves can be subdivided (into protons, neutrons, and electrons) but these are sub-atomic particles, not atoms.

Basic particle from which all elements are made?

At its most basic all matter is made up of various quarks. Quarks come in six flavours as both quarks and antiquarks. They form electrons, protons and neutrons. These larger particles form the atoms of all elements.

How many atoms can form up to a single covalent bond?

minimum two atoms are for single covalent bond

Why are atoms joined by covalent bond?

If the electronegativity difference between two atoms is less than 1.7, these atoms form covalent bond by the sharing of electrons.