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Q: What two orders did Madison give when the british invaded?
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What did James Madison give?

James Madison gave birth to the bill of rights

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give orders or commands

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They gave them casinos.

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What other peace making methods did British use besides going to war with Germany in World War 2?

The main form was appeasement in which the British and French agreed to give Germany the Czech Sudetenland in exchange for peace. It didn't work for Germany invaded the entire Czechoslovakia afterwards.

How did the Gettysburg Address change Americans thoughts of the US?

Lincoln actually motivated the colonist. After fighting against the British and losing many lives they were ready to give up and obey the British instead of fighting and losing lives. So inconclusion lf Lincoln never have that speech then today we might still be taking orders from the British

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it means that you give orders to people

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They give orders, and they give final say in decision making

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they invaded Poland in worldwar2