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Q: What two periods were the earths average global warming temperatures the highest?
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Is an increase in average temperatures around the planet.?

Global warming

What is a word that means a rise in average global temperatures?

Global Warming

What could increase average global temperatures?

Global warming. Possibly pollution such as gas in a car.

Global warming is the increase in the average what of the earth?

Temperature of the atmosphere and oceans.its the increase in the temperature of the earthBLANK = "temperature".Temperature

Why has the temperatures increased?

Global Warming

Which aspects of El Nino can give scientists a preview of Earth as temperatures rise with global warming?

A. Its warming of sea surface temperatures

Why does global warming decrease temperatures?

True global warming does not decrease temperatures. So, either the model for global warming's effects is hokus-pokus, or global warming as presently claimed, does not exist. Some global warming followers will have you believe that global warming makes the weather "act crazy". If true, then it is not really global warming, is it.

Why did we have a cold summer when there is global warming?

A cold summer is weather. Weather is different all the time. Global warming is the average temperatures measured all over the world every day, every week and every year.

What is the increase in temperatures worldwide is known as?

"global warming", usually.

2 exemple the global warming?

Global warming examples include rising temperatures, rising ocean levels, and decreases in global land and sea ... A global average temperature rise of 2 degrees Celsius or less in coming years.

Is a heat wave the same thing as global warming?

No. A heat wave is a period of unsually high temperatures in an area that usually lasts a few days or a few weeks. Heat waves are weather events that ocurr sometimes, with our without a change in climate Global warming is a long-term trend of overall increasing average global temperatures

What is a slow increase in the Earth's overall temperatures called?

Global warming.