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Q: What two scientists are credited with inventing the microscope?
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Which two scientists invented the microscope?

Hans Lippershey ,Hans Janssen 1595

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Hans Lippershey and Zacharias Jansen are separately credited with the invention of the microscope. It is not really known which of these two was the inventor. There is a link to an article on the microscope below.

Who invention the compound microscope?

Zacharias Janssen and his son Johannes (Hans), spectacle makers in Holland, are usually credited with inventing the first compound microscope in about 1595. (Hans Lippershey a spectacle maker in the same city, Middelburg, Netherlands, also claimed credit for the invention but was perhaps more instrumental in the creation of the telescope.)Two decades later, Galileo Galilei built a compound microscope and changed the lens design lens (convex and concave lens).Galileo

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Where was the compound microscope invented?

Zacharias Janssen and his son Johannes (Hans), spectacle makers in Holland, are usually credited with inventing the first compound microscope in about 1590. (Hans Lippershey a spectacle maker in the same city, Middelburg, Netherlands, also claimed credit for the invention but was perhaps more instrumental in the creation of the telescope.) Two decades later, Galileo Galilei built a compound microscope and changed the lens design lens (convex and concave lens).

When was the compound microscope invented?

Zacharias Janssen and his son Johannes (Hans), spectacle makers in Holland, are usually credited with inventing the first compound microscope in about 1590. (Hans Lippershey a spectacle maker in the same city, Middelburg, Netherlands, also claimed credit for the invention but was perhaps more instrumental in the creation of the telescope.) Two decades later, Galileo Galilei built a compound microscope and changed the lens design lens (convex and concave lens).